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Welcome to NorthStar Technologies! Thank you for your interest in NorthStar's Debt Recovery Solutions.

We are a technology company at heart and our investment in our technology allows our clients to outsource their business and collection needs with confidence. We offer Debt Recovery Solutions and CRM Solutions for:
  • Financial institutions
  • Medical Providers
  • Retail Locations
  • Property Management
  • Service Businesses
  • Others

For businesses that need help collecting past due accounts, NorthStar offers several tools to help achieve maximum return. Fully customizable collection demands, Agent phone calls and Web Reporting are just a few of the tools utilized to achieve our collection goals.

For retailers and others needing to prevent and collect bad checks, we offer ChequeStar™, where retailers get 100% of the face value and a portion of the state allowable fee upon collection. Also, we offer a premier state of the art Check Verification service to our retail clients to assist them in the curtailment of NSF checks and Fraud.

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